Norwegian Anthropological Journal
Norwegian Anthropological Journal is a forum for dissemination of social anthropological research and expression of opinion, and is aimed at researchers (anthropologists and other social scientists), students and generally interested readers. The journal publishes original, empirical and comparatively well-founded articles, debate entries, book reviews, film reviews and the like. The journal only reviews works that relate to Norwegian anthropological research, or Nordic/international anthropological research with a Norwegian contribution or relevance. It comes out with four issues annually, divided into two single issues and a double issue. The publication language is Norwegian, but articles in Danish, Swedish and exceptionally English are also considered.
The editors for the period 2022-2024 are:
Tord Larsen
Professor emeritus at the Department of Social Anthropology, NTNU
Kathinka Frøystad
Professor of religious studies, University of Oslo
The editor for book reviews is Marianna Betti:
About the journal:
As of 2017, the journal is published with open access and can be read
The journal is owned by the Norwegian Anthropological Association and published by Universitetsforlaget, with support from National Journal Consortium for the Humanities and Social Sciences.
Contact information:
For more info:
Norwegian anthropological journal
Attn: Kathinka Frøystad,
PO Box 1010 Blindern
0315 Oslo