The Endangered Material Knowledge Programme (EMKP) gives grants to support the documentation and digitisation of material knowledge systems that are under threat and in danger of disappearing. The programme was established in 2018 with funding from Arcadia - a charitable foundation that works to protect nature, preserve cultural heritage, and promote open access to knowledge - and is hosted by the Department of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas at the British Museum.
The EMKP offers three different grants schemes: Small Documentation, Large Documentation, and Legacy Digitisation. Documentation grants provide funding to document living material knowledge systems and practices in danger of disappearing. Small Documentation Grants can be up to 12 months with a maximum award of £20,000. Large Documentation Grants can be up to 24 months with a maximum award of £100,000.
Legacy Digitisation Grant, used to digitise collections or materials relating to endangered material knowledge, can be up to 12 months with a maximum aware of £20,000, and can be applied for separately or together with a documentation grant.
The deadline for all applications is at midnight on 7th January 2024.
We will be holding Q&A Webinars in English, to answer queries about the application process. Please register using the link:
The Webinar dates are:
Wednesday 15th November 2023, 10am GMT
Wednesday 15th November2023, 4pm GMT
Wednesday 13th December 2023, 10am GMT
Wednesday 13th December 2023, 4pm GMT
We will also be holding a Q&A Webinar session in Spanish on Thursday 14th December 2023, 4pm GMT. To register please use the link:
For more information regarding the Endangered Material Knowledge Programme, ongoing projects, the application process and guidelines please visit our website and the grants page
To apply, please create an account on the EMKP FlexiGrant portal: